Isilah form di bawah keterangan berikut ini, untuk model boleh tidak disis. Keterangan tambahan diisi kebutuhan ruang dan ukuran yang diinginkan, misal 3 kamar tidur 3 x 3,5, r tamu 3 x 3 dll, Jika bisa di gambarkan kondisi ukuran tanah dan keadaan sekelilingnya, bisa di kirim via lampiran (attachment) di bawah. Tulislah kode capcta sesuai yang tertera di dalam kotak captca. Jika sudah klik send email.

Pembayaran dilakukan 3 tahap :

Tahap Pertama setelah denah selesai dan dikirim via email , sebesar Rp 500.000,

Tahap kedua sebesar 50% biaya desain - Rp 500.000 setelah tampak dan prespektif di setujui

Tahap kedua, Pelunasan biaya design di transfer setelah gambar selesai semua dan siap di kirim baik via email atau via pos.

Pembayaran dilakukan via transfer ke :

Bank : BCA KCU Yogyakarta.
Rek. No : 0372.757.602
atas nama : Nugroho Widyantoro.


Bank : BNI 46 cabang Yogyakarta.
Rek. No : 0112.087.736
atas nama : Nugroho Widyantoro.

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Position and situation of building

1 small of land If the land not big enough, placing house with walls patching at the land boundary, thereby volume for the wall of fence can lessen. Main problem in small land is light and draught, as possible leave over land in back of building, or make void within doors where air can go out to enter

2 wide of land
Owning enough wide of land, it is very profitable, easier to relative determine building position situation than house in limited land. If wishing more efficient in exploiting room, placing house in one of the land boundary side. Through this way, house wall at the same time function as a fence. Besides leaving over land back of building so that draught in more fluent room, and expense of electrics to make cool room even also earn in economizing

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