Isilah form di bawah keterangan berikut ini, untuk model boleh tidak disis. Keterangan tambahan diisi kebutuhan ruang dan ukuran yang diinginkan, misal 3 kamar tidur 3 x 3,5, r tamu 3 x 3 dll, Jika bisa di gambarkan kondisi ukuran tanah dan keadaan sekelilingnya, bisa di kirim via lampiran (attachment) di bawah. Tulislah kode capcta sesuai yang tertera di dalam kotak captca. Jika sudah klik send email.

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Tahap Pertama setelah denah selesai dan dikirim via email , sebesar Rp 500.000,

Tahap kedua sebesar 50% biaya desain - Rp 500.000 setelah tampak dan prespektif di setujui

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Bank : BCA KCU Yogyakarta.
Rek. No : 0372.757.602
atas nama : Nugroho Widyantoro.


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Rek. No : 0112.087.736
atas nama : Nugroho Widyantoro.

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Tips Plan house

Before you plan of house to consultant bureau or to a architect, considering beforehand what is house you to isn't it that big or do not, ad for or simple. If which wanted by small house and simple, I suggest for just plan by self because do not too difficult, and will cut the expense of design.

Optimal house is house matching with requirement of us, is not abundant house. Making room which not many uses just of course without effect. Just for taking care of just presstige, without bothering expense to [in] [releasing] to make the building, considering construction material price which longer costly progressively. For that plan house which as optimal as possibly so that wide of building become relative more minimum, and expense of making of house will be able to more economical

Model of House choose style of minimalis tropical, because this model is most model cost effective his building, besides also as according to us climate which is hot to be, compared to house of mediteran, classic, or other modern house. This House model most taking lines ornamen, box and square of length. There is no tortous form, ellipse, or circular even if, because this element will eat costlier expense relative.

copyright 2006 - 2009, Nugroho Widyantoro,